Code Sandbox

Description: Enable agents to run code in a sandboxed environment.

Author: Arcade

Code: GitHub

Auth: API Key

PyPI VersionLicensePython VersionsWheel StatusDownloads

The Arcade Code Sandbox toolkit provides a pre-built set of tools for running code in a sandboxed environment. These tools make it easy to build agents and AI apps that can:

  • Run code in a sandboxed environment
  • Create a static matplotlib chart


pip install arcade-code-sandbox

Available Tools

These tools are currently available in the Arcade Code Sandbox toolkit.

Tool NameDescription
RunCodeRun code in a sandboxed environment.
CreateStaticMatplotlibChartCreate a static matplotlib chart.

If you need to perform an action that’s not listed here, you can get in touch with us to request a new tool, or create your own tools.


Run code in a sandbox and return the output.


  • Environment Variables Required:
    • E2B_API_KEY: Your API key for authentication.


  • code (string, required) The code to run.
  • language (string, optional) The language of the code. Valid values are ‘python’, ‘js’, ‘r’, ‘java’, ‘bash’. Defaults to ‘python’.


Run the provided Python code to generate a static matplotlib chart. The resulting chart is returned as a base64 encoded image.


  • Environment Variables Required:
    • E2B_API_KEY: Your API key for authentication.


  • code (string, required) The Python code to run.


The Arcade Code Sandbox toolkit uses E2B to run code in a sandboxed environment.

Global Environment Variables:

  • E2B_API_KEY: Your E2B API key.