
Description: Enable agents to interact with Slack by sending messages, retrieving user and conversation information.

Author: Arcade

Code: GitHub

Auth: User authorization via the Slack auth provider

PyPI VersionLicensePython VersionsWheel StatusDownloads

The Arcade Slack toolkit provides a comprehensive set of tools for interacting with Slack. With these tools, you can build agents and AI applications that can:

  • Send direct messages to users
  • Send messages to channels
  • Retrieve members of conversations
  • Access conversation messages
  • Manage conversation metadata
  • Retrieve user information


pip install arcade_slack

Available Tools

Tool NameDescription
SendDmToUserSend a direct message to a user in Slack.
SendMessageToChannelSend a message to a channel in Slack.
GetMembersInConversationByIdRetrieve members of a conversation using its ID.
GetMembersInConversationByNameRetrieve members of a conversation using its name.
GetMessagesInConversationByIdFetch the messages in a conversation using its ID.
GetMessagesInChannelByNameFetch the messages in a channel using its name.
GetConversationMetadataByIdRetrieve metadata of a conversation using its ID.
GetConversationMetadataByNameRetrieve metadata of a conversation using its name.
ListConversationsMetadataList metadata for Slack conversations.
ListPublicChannelsMetadataList metadata for public channels in Slack.
ListPrivateChannelsMetadataList metadata for private channels in Slack.
ListGroupDirectMessageConversationsMetadataList metadata for group direct message conversations in Slack.
ListDirectMessageConversationsMetadataList metadata for direct message conversations in Slack.
GetUserInfoByIdRetrieve information of a user by their ID.
ListUsersList all users in the authenticated Slack team.

If you need to perform an action that’s not listed here, you can get in touch with us to request a new tool, or create your own tools with the Slack auth provider.


Send a direct message to a user in Slack.


  • user_name (string, required) The Slack username of the person you want to message. Slack usernames are ALWAYS lowercase.
  • message (string, required) The message you want to send.


Send a message to a channel in Slack.


  • channel_name (string, required) The Slack channel name where you want to send the message. Slack channel names are ALWAYS lowercase.
  • message (string, required) The message you want to send.


Get the members of a conversation in Slack by the conversation’s ID.


  • conversation_id (string, required) The ID of the conversation to get members for.
  • limit (int, optional) The maximum number of members to return. Defaults to 200.
  • next_cursor (string, optional) The cursor to use for pagination.


Get the members of a conversation in Slack by the conversation’s name.


  • conversation_name (string, required) The name of the conversation to get members for.
  • limit (int, optional) The maximum number of members to return. Defaults to 200.
  • next_cursor (string, optional) The cursor to use for pagination.


Get the history of a conversation in Slack.


  • conversation_id (string, required) The ID of the conversation to get history for.
  • oldest_relative (string, optional) The oldest message to include, in ‘DD:HH:MM’ format.
  • latest_relative (string, optional) The latest message to include, in ‘DD:HH:MM’ format.
  • oldest_datetime (string, optional) The oldest message to include, in ‘YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS’ format.
  • latest_datetime (string, optional) The latest message to include, in ‘YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS’ format.
  • limit (int, optional) The maximum number of messages to return. Defaults to 200.
  • next_cursor (string, optional) The cursor to use for pagination, if continuing from a previous search.


Get the messages in a channel in Slack.


  • channel_name (string, required) The name of the channel to get messages for.
  • oldest_relative (string, optional) The oldest message to include, in ‘DD:HH:MM’ format.
  • latest_relative (string, optional) The latest message to include, in ‘DD:HH:MM’ format.
  • oldest_datetime (string, optional) The oldest message to include, in ‘YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS’ format.
  • latest_datetime (string, optional) The latest message to include, in ‘YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS’ format.
  • limit (int, optional) The maximum number of messages to return. Defaults to 200.
  • next_cursor (string, optional) The cursor to use for pagination, if continuing from a previous search.


Get the metadata of a conversation in Slack searching by its ID.


  • conversation_id (string, required) The ID of the conversation to get metadata for.


Get the metadata of a conversation in Slack searching by its name.


  • conversation_name (string, required) The name of the conversation to get metadata for.
  • next_cursor (string, optional) The cursor to use for pagination, if continuing from a previous search.


List metadata for Slack conversations (channels and/or direct messages) that the user is a member of.


  • conversation_types (list of str, optional) The type(s) of conversations to list. Defaults to all types. Each must be one of: ‘public_channel’, ‘private_channel’, ‘multi_person_direct_message’, or ‘direct_message’.
  • limit (int, optional) The maximum number of conversations to list. Defaults to 200.
  • next_cursor (string, optional) The cursor to use for pagination.


List metadata for public channels in Slack that the user is a member of.


  • limit (int, optional) The maximum number of channels to list. Defaults to 200.


List metadata for private channels in Slack that the user is a member of.


  • limit (int, optional) The maximum number of channels to list. Defaults to 200.


List metadata for group direct message conversations in Slack that the user is a member of.


  • limit (int, optional) The maximum number of conversations to list. Defaults to 200.


List metadata for direct message conversations in Slack that the user is a member of.


  • limit (int, optional) The maximum number of channels to list. Defaults to 200.


Get the information of a user in Slack.


  • user_id (string, required) The ID of the user to get.


List all users in the authenticated user’s Slack team.


  • exclude_bots (bool, optional) Whether to exclude bots from the results. Defaults to True.
  • limit (int, optional) The maximum number of users to return. Defaults to 200.
  • next_cursor (string, optional) The cursor to use for pagination.


The Arcade Slack toolkit uses the Slack auth provider to connect to users’ Slack accounts.

With the hosted Arcade Engine, there’s nothing to configure. Your users will see Arcade (demo) as the name of the application that’s requesting permission.

The hosted Arcade Engine is intended for demo and testing purposes only, not for production use. To use Arcade and Slack in production, you must use a self-hosted instance of the Arcade Engine.

With a self-hosted installation of Arcade, you need to configure the Slack auth provider with your own Slack app credentials.