

Configuration Files

On installation, Arcade creates an engine.yaml configuration file and an engine.env environment variable file containing default values.

See the Specifying a Config File for usage.

Engine Configuration

The Engine configuration (engine.yaml) location varies based on installation method:

  • Homebrew: $HOMEBREW_REPOSITORY/etc/arcade-engine/engine.yaml (commonly /opt/homebrew/Cellar/etc/arcade-engine/engine.yaml)
  • Apt: /etc/arcade-ai/engine.yaml
  • Manual Download: Manually downloaded configs can be added to $HOME/.arcade/engine.yaml
To manually download the engine.yaml, you can get an example from the Configuration Templates

Engine configurations support variable expansion for Secrets and Environment Files.

You can edit the engine.yaml file to change configurations for the Engine and Supported Models.

Engine environment file

The Engine environment file (engine.env) location varies based on installation method:

  • Homebrew: $HOMEBREW_REPOSITORY/etc/arcade-engine/engine.env (commonly /opt/homebrew/etc/arcade-engine/engine.env)
  • Apt: /etc/arcade-ai/engine.env
  • Manual Download: Manually downloaded configs can be added to $HOME/.arcade/engine.env
To manually download the engine.env, you can get an example from the Configuration Templates

The installed file contains default variables to run the Engine locally, and can be changed or overridden by exporting variables to your environment through the command line.