
Install a tool or toolkit

PyPI Installation

All Arcade toolkits are available on PyPI. To install a toolkit, run the following in the same environment as the arcade-ai package:

pip install arcade-[toolkit_name]

For example, to install the math toolkit, run:

pip install arcade-math

To verify the installation, run:

arcade show --local

which should return output similar to:

┃ Name         ┃ Description                  ┃ Toolkit ┃ Version ┃
│ Math.Add     │ Add two numbers together     │  Math   │  0.1.0  │

These are all tools that are installed in the same environment as the arcade-ai package.

See our Toolkits Overview page for all available toolkits and individual installation instructions.

Local Package Installation

Locally built toolkits can also be installed with:

pip install .


pip install <wheel_name>

in the same environment as the arcade-ai package.

Hosted Toolkits

To add a toolkit to a hosted worker such as FastAPI, you can register them in the worker itself. This allows you to explicitly define which tools should be included on a particular worker.

import arcade_math
app = FastAPI()
worker_secret = os.environ.get("ARCADE_WORKER_SECRET")
worker = FastAPIWorker(app, secret=worker_secret)

Showing Tools From a Hosted Engine

To show all tools that are available on an engine, you can run

arcade show -h <engine_host> -p <engine_port>
┃ Name                                   ┃ Description                                                               ┃ Package  ┃ Version ┃
│ Github.CountStargazers                 │ Count the number of stargazers (stars) for a GitHub repository.           │ Github   │ 0.0.15  │
│ Github.CreateIssue                     │ Create an issue in a GitHub repository.                                   │ Github   │ 0.0.15  │
│ Github.CreateIssueComment              │ Create a comment on an issue in a GitHub repository.                      │ Github   │ 0.0.15  │
│ Github.CreateReplyForReviewComment     │ Create a reply to a review comment for a pull request.                    │ Github   │ 0.0.15  │
│ Github.CreateReviewComment             │ Create a review comment for a pull request in a GitHub repository.        │ Github   │ 0.0.15  │
│ Github.GetPullRequest                  │ Get details of a pull request in a GitHub repository.                     │ Github   │ 0.0.15  │
│ Github.GetRepository                   │ Get a repository.                                                         │ Github   │ 0.0.15  │

Authenticated Tools

Some Toolkits may need authentication through an API key or OAuth, which can be configured in the Arcade Engine. To see the specific configuration requirements, you can checkout our Auth Providers.